Everything is finally reaching it's big conclusion. I'm excited yet reluctant for the adventures of Ether, Faerduin, and Vegrul to come to a close. Once The Thief and The Dragon is finished, I intend to begin writing a whole new story. Quite the opposite of a medieval dragons-and-sorcerer's sort of story, my new book will be titled The Faceless Ones. It will be an apocalyptic Sci-Fi focused around an alien race invading Earth from a far away, yet real planet I have chosen and am studying for the story. Obviously not filled with intelligent and violent aliens, but it is a planet possibly capable of sustaining life. One girl named Jayne Reame will only have a one-in-million chance to survive; she is a completely ordinary teenage girl. But, through sheer luck and fate, she manages to form an uneasy alliance with one of the aliens. NOT a romance, just so you know. I've played Mass Effect and seen how many people seem to enjoy Alien/Human romances, but I simply don't. Only when the book is released will you get to see all of the details, but for now, that is I'll allow 'ya folks to know. Either way, I hope you enjoyed The Thief and The Dragon so far, and you'll get to read the final chapter soon!