Ugh, I still feel so bad when I said a certain something to @AngelMine345. See, a year ago, almost two years to be exact, I read her story about Dork Diaries. I was chillin', eating food, that kind of stuff. However, something went wrong.
My tablet (yes, I don't have a phone yet T^T) glitched.
A story of mine in this account was shown in her story.
So, being the stupid idiot I was, I thought she copied MY story.
And I told her that.
And she was mad at me.
I apologized.
But she never knew I did.
Again, I was an idiot. I never knew how to post on her account. So I apologized on a post in MY account.
She likely never read it.
If she was still mad at me, I'm just...ugh. I feel soooooo bad.
What? I AM the owner of this account. I just posted this using my account because this is the main one right now...and the updates of my stories will come next year. Excluding the Couture Fashion Academy, because that story was a joke.
Because it was full of Mary Sues.
And it had no plot or whatsoever.
And Isabella was just perfect and had a perfect life.
Yeah, Imma delete that.
If you want to see my apology and her message, search at the deepest part. I swear, it was from last year.
Or almost two years ago.
Not the point.