
I am soo Happy you guys, thank you for taking Birth of Dragon's Edge to 2K reads. This is simply marvellous! <3


Hello guys, if you enjoyed reading the first part of Darkest Hour, another part is coming! I highly recommend you read the first part of this series which is Across the Stars and Beyond, and then continue to the next book Darkest Hour.


@TheDeepFanfic awesome sauce! I’m glad!!


Ok guys, promotion time! If you have read my star wars fic, Across the Stars and Beyond and want more, THERE IS! I highly recommend reading the first before reading the sequel, with semi-regular updates coming your way soon!


@ TheDeepFanfic  the cover of the new book looks awesome 


!!!ATTENTION!!! New Star Wars book releasing soon! Due to popular demand, there will be a sequel to Across the Stars and Beyond! 
          This has been a long thought out process and if you are into Star Wars I suggest you read the Fate of the Jedi novel series or even just one of the books to find out who and what characters I am using in my latest book. 
          This is going to be hectic no matter what so bear with me.
          HINT: I may or may not be mashing together THREE different timelines, characters and things into one new timeline since I no longer have an option to use Palpatine or Vader in my story... You should go check out this book to see why so you'll be up to speed on the sequel when it drops.

          INNNnnn other news, NO I will not be restarting the HTTYD Truth or Dare book series, it is simply too difficult to write and I need to be doing schoolwork... oh sh!t, just realized I have an assignment due and need to be working on it so that's everything for now. :)


@KnightofGrace This method enables me to make adjustments to storylines if a reader suggests it. I write it on suggestions but I don't get very many. :'(


@TheDeepFanfic  oh ok. I see. I write almost all the chapters. Then I go back and edit them and add to them before posting. By then, I have a better idea on how to finish my books. 


@KnightofGrace I've only written half of one chapter, I write as I go and post it as I write it....


We reached 1.5K reads on my HTTYD runaway book! Thank you guys all so much for the support and If you haven't already, please consider following me, it helps me to be motivated that someone is actually reading my works. 
          And yes, I only have 57 followers across all three fandoms and there are 89 of you that read it regularly. And don't worry, I can only see interested reader count, I cannot see user names.