John Lennon once said: “Nobody loves you when you’re down and out ... Everybody loves you when you’re six foot in the ground”
I hate how true this statement is. A lot of us, myself included, have tried again and again and again to reach out to others. We get stomped down, beaten down, belittled, and never consoled. And then others are all so confused then as to why we would off ourselves when no one listens to our tales. To our woes. Our pains. But then they go back and try to claim they loved us, that we their everything; Stuff like that. Nowadays especially. No one cares for others these days, and I hate that. I’ve tried my best to care for others even when I couldn’t even pick myself back up. Because even if I don’t have a reason to exist, I want to give others a reason to. I know most of us don’t want someone to give them sympathy. A lot of the times, they just want to be heard. To be listened; And never to be judged for what they are. I’ve been there for so many people since the beginning, and I’ve never asked for much. Really just because I gave up on trying to find happiness. I’m just existing with my music. That’s been my life for…Gods, almost a decade now, actually. …Certainly puts it in perspective, huh? Heh. Funny, that.