
Thank you to the people who are adding my Billy oneshot book to your libraries! It’s really making me want to start writing again, hopefully it’ll be better this time around lol


This is for the people who read my work, mainly my Billy girlies out there, so feel free to skip my little announcement. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought lately and I decided to quit writing for Billy and writing in general. For a while I actually enjoyed writing and coming up with ideas for different books. But recently I’ve been criticizing my writing and I feel like it’s just not as clear as I want it to be, to me it just doesn’t flow right.
          I want my readers to read well-written work and I feel like I can’t give that. Not to mention it takes me forever to write a chapter, and I stress myself out sometimes about my work because I want it to be perfect. 
          lol, I’m a perfectionist and I hate it. 
          I came into this without any knowledge of what I was doing and thought I could accomplish writing a book, lol I was wrong. I just feel like writing isn’t meant for me anymore. I’m thinking about giving away two of my Billy books that I have in the works to people who would take pride in it, and make it amazing like I know it should be. 
          I’ve given some thought to one shots, and honestly, I might not write those anymore either. I am going to finish a part two that someone requested about two months ago, and that will probably be it. 
          This doesn’t mean I’m leaving watt pad forever, I’ve met some nice people on here that I consider friends. But I want to read more and support other people and their stories. 
          Maybe I’ll come back to writing in a few years if I’m not dead, lol. 
          Anyway, to conclude my rant; I wanted to say thank you to the people who have supported me and given me some motivation here in there, I really appreciate your support and love. ❤️ 


Someone give me motivation to write, please. 


@alwaysoverlythinking lmfao, what do you mean by that? The laugh was sarcastic by the way.


this message may be offensive
I’m so fucking ready for the upcoming chapters for LMMTABF! There’s going to be a lot of Billy and Monica moments! 


@alwaysoverlythinking END of conversation *middle finger*


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@alwaysoverlythinking Get your shit and get out of my house!