
Ever had a really good and really bad day? Friday was the swimming carnival and I see one of the little kids I used to play with in OSH club (after school care). This one was one of the ones who cried on the day I graduated. So anyway, she goes “hi [friends name]” and hugs her. Turns to me, looks me in the eye, and just turns and walks away. 
          	My first true heartbreak, she doesn’t even recognise me!
          	 Later I see her talking to another of my primary school friends, I ask them later and she said “yeah I was taking to [name]. I asked her who I was and she remembered me! I didn’t  even talk to her that much if at all.” 
          	OW. HOLY KRIFF THAT HURT. Who gave that child permission to break my heart like that?


Ever had a really good and really bad day? Friday was the swimming carnival and I see one of the little kids I used to play with in OSH club (after school care). This one was one of the ones who cried on the day I graduated. So anyway, she goes “hi [friends name]” and hugs her. Turns to me, looks me in the eye, and just turns and walks away. 
          My first true heartbreak, she doesn’t even recognise me!
           Later I see her talking to another of my primary school friends, I ask them later and she said “yeah I was taking to [name]. I asked her who I was and she remembered me! I didn’t  even talk to her that much if at all.” 
          OW. HOLY KRIFF THAT HURT. Who gave that child permission to break my heart like that?