
ok so you can expect SOMETHING from me soon
          	ik I kinda dropped off the face of the earth, but I am back
          	to give some context, writing is very therapeutic for me, and I used to write a lot as an outlet. during quarantine, my stress went down A LOT due to school not being a pain in my ass. and the online tasks were kinda optional. so there was no reason for an outlet.
          	BUT NOW THE STRESS LEVELS ARE BACK AND KICKING. so you can expect some stories from me soon!! if anyone is really still interested in my account lolol
          	if you are interested, then awesome! I'll see ya'll soon! 


@TheDrawingFreek good to know bro can't wait to see what you come up with I know it's gonna be great 


ok so you can expect SOMETHING from me soon
          ik I kinda dropped off the face of the earth, but I am back
          to give some context, writing is very therapeutic for me, and I used to write a lot as an outlet. during quarantine, my stress went down A LOT due to school not being a pain in my ass. and the online tasks were kinda optional. so there was no reason for an outlet.
          BUT NOW THE STRESS LEVELS ARE BACK AND KICKING. so you can expect some stories from me soon!! if anyone is really still interested in my account lolol
          if you are interested, then awesome! I'll see ya'll soon! 


@TheDrawingFreek good to know bro can't wait to see what you come up with I know it's gonna be great 


Okay. I just had like a mega crazy idea. Bear with me.
          As awesome as Steven Universe Future was, I feel like it'd be really fun to rewrite it and maybe even add new, needed episodes. I had this idea where maybe I could gather a few friends and we could all make an insta or disc group. The plan would be to go through the episodes and pick out what we liked and what we disliked and how we could improve it. Then after that is done, two people can volunteer to board an episode. Of course, not a fully animated episode, more of a rough animatic. 
          It wouldn't just be artists, too. People who don't do the artsy arts can help out with the writing.
          Idk, absolutely insane idea but I think it'd be fun with this whole quarantine and everyone being bored. Probs won't be done, but if anyone is up to the challenge, I'm so down to try.


@TheDrawingFreek What's your discord account


          So, Rebecca hasn't made Lapidot cannon for years. But here's the thing, Rebecca was a Bispis shipper, as I have gathered from information online. Now, in Bismuth Casual, it's plainly obvious that Bismuth kinda likes Pearl, even before she admits it. Rebecca helped storyboard some of that episode. Where did she help out, you may ask? The scene where Bismuth was blushing when Steven put on Pearl's "fav song". BOOM. This gives the big possibility of a ship change.
          And if the very sketchy information that I've gotten from insta and just online on general is true, Steven Universe Future has a season 2 scheduled for 2021. ( Take ALL this info with a grain of salt, it could all be fake lmao )
          So! Maybe, just maybe, by season 2 we may have some more Lapidot. Maybe even canon Lapidot. 


@Mastersplender8 Yup! In an interview, Rebecca said in a reply to the question "Is this a character and a world you imagine revisiting someday?"
            "I love these characters and this world, and I have theories about the timelines that follow Future. But I want to give the characters some time and some privacy, at least for a while. I need a little of that too."


@TheDrawingFreek I watched the Steven Universe fan tribute video on the Cartoon Network YouTube channel and Eugene Lee Yang (Producer as said on there) said at the end of his speech "Lapidot Forever!"


When you have an unexplainable and irrational fear of when a close friend slowly gets a closer to someone else that you'll be left behind and forgotten about because almost all of your other friends in the past have done that. And then you start over thinking more and more until you come to the unreasonable conclusion that they hate you.
          I do that.


@Cyy116 I'm always here for a good ol chat, pal.


Same thing is currently happening with me 