
@lenapapoujian yes it is! ❤️


Also to all you lovely people...I finally fixed my Sweet Escape designated Tumblr. It's here----->
          Follow me for all Sweet Escape Updates. It gives a lot of details away though, but It's very visual unlike here. You want better descriptions of anything involving SE(Sweet Escape) that's the place to go. Or you could follow me to get to know me better. This is just a suggestion. If anyone has Tumblr, let me know and I'll follow you. Kay bye my loves.


For all who are reading Sweet Escape,
          First off thank you. Secondly, I feel horrible for not updating and keeping you all waiting. From now on I will be trying to update a LOT more often. The story gets better and a lot deeper. I hope you all enjoy and don't give up on me. 
          For who ever isn't reading Sweet Escape...could you give it a shot and tell me what you think. That'd be amazing and a huge confidence boost, please. Thank you :)
          I'm trying my hardest to do an update tonight, so look forward to some excitement. It will be either tonight or definitely tomorrow. TGI(Almost)F!!!!! :D


Posted the first 2 chapters of my new story Sweet Escape. Please read and tell me what you think. Your opinions matter to me. I want to try to get better. I already have the 8 or so chapters pre-written so they'll be going up soon. I'm graduating in 2weeks so the end of the year  is keeping me pretty busy but I still write. I'll try to post as much as I can as soon as I can but please be considerate. Thank you to anyone who is reading it or going to read it. Anyone not even considering to give me a chance to prove myself.