
Posts may be a bit slow; school has started again and I'm dealing with a lot of hell right now because of all the clubs I've join. Ill try to get the schedule out soon but it may still be delayed.


Ok so i have a new book; its call 'I never followed the rules anyways' but i will be calling it INFTRA it's just easier to type. I hope you guys enjoy it; i guess it's a bit of my life but mixed with a few dreams of mine. I put a lot of thought into it!
          Until Next My Lovelies! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Ok to those of you who read any of my stories know that if you are expecting an update in the next week or so I'm sorry to disappoint you. my great grandfather recently passed so i have  to drive out to his funeral and won't be back for a few days; perhaps a week at most. i have posted new updates just now for the main books that i am working on at the moment. i hope to be able to write again soon. and also i hope to have some new ideas. i know this may be weird but death and sad stuff help me write great stuff so yeah hopefully this helps me with some writers block!
          Until next My Lovelies! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


OK so i decided to edit the characters for The painters eye and i did make a few changes so if you are reading that re-check the chapters to see if you missed anything that i recently edited. I ONLY changed who the characters are so Erica is now The actress Ella Fanning And Damion is now Alex Pettyfer. that's all! hope you enjoy reading