So, it came to my attention that I didn't add a synopsis for the next SOTDR chapter at the end of the latest chapter. This is entirely my fault because I was in such a hurry to get the chapter, I genuinely forgot!
So, here is the synopsis for the next chapter; Chapter 37 - The Test!
"Hiccup and the others agree they have to return to Berk and while the hesitancy lingers with Ada, Karolina, and Gerherd, they all agree it is for the best. But the arrival of the enemy, now supported by the Chief, brings up old feelings, particularly with the Strathclydian survivors. As tensions rise, lost lovers unite as enemies arrive to take up the mantle of Chief. Only one things stops in their way - Excalibur. The Kingsword sits in it's scabbard of granite and only the Once and Future King will pull it free..."
Okay, so not the best but I'm riffing. XD
The next chapter will be coming soon!