Of certain folk, we have aesthetics and skill beyond measure. Some are just secrets of the trade. Some are pure luck.
Others, well they just don't have a following. It breaks, and they leave their accounts to rot. For every hash, we have infinite preimages. For every account, we have infinite possibilities for success.
This is not one of them. This makes up the majority, in fact we have about 1/(2.315841 ... * 10^77) of a chance of being wildly successful. If you suck at math, that's a very small number. This is just life on this website. Left to be burned away, leaving no user. And we jump ship. A cycle. It was never meant to be utilized by those unsuccessful. Instead, we were meant to leave.
This is true everywhere, even for giant websites.
History. An immutable thing, but insignificant and petty. You and I, we have no real mark on the infiniteness of the universe. Even in the phaneron of every human, an individual, a company, a nation, marks nothing. Value is diffused. We have no real worth. That's just human.
So, this is just the constant of reality. A central minority of a single individual, versus a powerful, uncoordinated majority. I ask you this, what amount of "friends", "fans", "companions", or "lovers" can change this?
This profile is living proof of this. This dead profile.
But life is sure fun! Make the most of it. Find the most knowledge. We have much time before Full Entropy takes over.
The above text (minus the newline at the end) is hashed into the Ethereum blockchain. It is Keccak-256, not SHA3-256. The hash is 74ba9821f3a06de7811c0925e82f372122fbd3ae73d20e23d0bdf538c7f60897, or address 0xe82f372122fbd3ae73d20e23d0bdf538c7f60897. Look up the address from etherscan.io.