
heyy are you okay? we miss youu, hope you're doing well and hoping for an update soon! . pls i love glitter in the air so much idk how many times I've re-read it  


            I’m really sorry to hear about everything you’re going through. Pls don't be sorry, we understand what you're going through, take care of urself first and take ur time! Wishing u all the best! Can’t wait for the next update when you’re back—no rush! 


            Thanks!! I'm glad you enjoy my story so much. Sorry it's been so long. There's been a death in the family and I was recently diagnosed autistic so I haven't been up to writing much. I'll get back into it as soon as everything has settled though.


Just wanted to reach out and say hi.
          Hope you are doing well! 


            Hey! Yeah, I'm alright. Just been completely swamped lately. There's been some stuff going on in my personal life that's kind of zapped my motivation to write, but I'm doing better than I was a few weeks ago. Hopefully I'll be able to get at least one new chapter out on both of my stories before Halloween.


I love Glitter in the Air so much. Like idk how to explain it, it just offers so much comfort to me and I started it 3 days ago and just started your Wattpad version. I love Jewel and how you wrote all the other characters, especially Ron, Tracey, and Draco. You're a very talented writer and I absolutely adore your writing. Also, the graphics are awesome and they made me so excited and giddy. Thank you for writing this story because it is an amazing escape from reality!


@ WarrenPeacesWife  x2, I also come from quotev and I love the story, it's one of the best fanfics of harry potter sisters I've read


            Thank you so much!! I've tried really hard to make Jewel a more well-rounded and flawed character and to explore her psyche in a way I didn't in the previous version of this story. Same with her relationships with other people, who I've tried to flesh out more (like her Slytherin friends, who are more part of the story and not just sort of there). I'm glad you liked my graphics, too. They took me ages. I found this site where I could make them, and just started playing around for fun, and an entire aesthetics page happened.  Anyway, thanks for reading/commenting, and I hope you enjoy whatever my weird brain plots out next. 