I was nominated by @BrittishSkittles to tell you guys 20 facts about me, so here they are!
1) I think emotions are colours.
2) I am slightly obsessed with foreign languages.
3) I used to think “LOL” stood for “Lame Original Lyrics” and would say stuff like, “Those are so LOL.”
4) I once licked a lizard.
5) My guilty pleasure is roleplaying online and eating foods I’m not supposed to.
6) I have a book of words to live by, and an entire chapter is devoted to quotes about absolutely nothing (literally).
7) I am a Nerdfighter and proud of it! DFTBA
8) I do not understand American football, but I will occasionally watch football (soccer, I guess).
9) I don’t really feel like procrastinating right now . . . maybe later . . .
10) I don’t speak Whale, but I’d love to learn.
11) I hate when I am about to fall asleep and my stupid leg twitches
12) There are so many books that I love that if I tried to write them all down in size 1 font with 0.1 centimetre margins, the list would still be over 17 pages long (yes I have tried this).
13) I wrote my first novel when I was 6. It went like this, “Once upon a time, there was something that happened. Then some more stuff happened. The end.”
14) I will only drink coffee if it’s black and really really hot.
15) I will drink any type of tea you put in front of me.
16) I like to think that Americans have accents and not Brits because we were here first and spoke our version of English before America existed.
17) I love manga/anime!
18) I once had a pimple which I named God.
19) I have never broken a bone or sprained an ankle or anything like that!
20) I now nominate @Lynn-chan, @kaylagbowen, _xEmmasursRex_, and @freivax, but you guys don’t have to if you don’t want :3