
The final chapter of Midnight in Tuscany is out now....
          	Hope you've enjoyed the journey ♡


Hi, I remember reading a story on a man and his "bestfriends" daughter Sofia I think it was named something like Mr. Vincento's Love or smt does anyone know what happened to that book. There was also a sequel on their daughter but I don't remember the book or authors name?


Hiiiii Beautiful People ❤️
          How are you all doing?
          "If you don't do it than who will"
          With this interesting quote I just want you to know that you can do anything you put your mind too.
          Sometimes it's hard and that's okay but come back stronger or just be proud of yourself that you come back. You know last few days I was so lazy but that's part of life one day you can be active and the next day you're lazy or just not that active. It's part of life. The important thing is you heal ✨️ from whatever you go through that maybe friendship breakup or from your boyfriend. I think it's hard to go through a breakup but but it takes time like maybe weeks, months but it gets better later on. Believe in yourself that you can do anything ✨️ and you will . You know BELIEVE is something that will help you in life so much that when you'll look back you'll say it was worth the struggle. 
          Take care ❤️
          Stay safe ✨️
          Lot's of love ❤️ 
          -make sure you eat your meals on time 
          -drink enough water
          -Take some sunlight 
          - read some novels
          - spend time doing self care
          - spend time with your loved ones  #Lifesshots 
          Love you sweetheart *gives you hug and cup of coffee/anything you love to drink*
          Bye ✨️❤️