
Hey hey! 
          	good news for all of us! ;D
          	Fanciful Monogatari has been fully edited! 
          	Editing is usually the hardest part of me in the whole process of writing. So finishing it means that i can have the motivation to actually upload new chapters! (totally not a lie). 
          	Let me use this announcement to announce my plan for the sequel to Dungeon Duolist which is Dungeon Duolist vol 2 that will began production later early next month. I'm super hyped for this vol and to introduce all of you to the character you've been seeing on top of my banner as the main main character in this whole series. I've been planning this volume for a while now and i hope that the result and the time it takes to make it is reasonable. 
          	Stay Tuned and thanks for reading!!!


Hey hey! 
          good news for all of us! ;D
          Fanciful Monogatari has been fully edited! 
          Editing is usually the hardest part of me in the whole process of writing. So finishing it means that i can have the motivation to actually upload new chapters! (totally not a lie). 
          Let me use this announcement to announce my plan for the sequel to Dungeon Duolist which is Dungeon Duolist vol 2 that will began production later early next month. I'm super hyped for this vol and to introduce all of you to the character you've been seeing on top of my banner as the main main character in this whole series. I've been planning this volume for a while now and i hope that the result and the time it takes to make it is reasonable. 
          Stay Tuned and thanks for reading!!!


hey hey!
          Happy new year 2024 guys!!!
          been busy with procrastinating as always (and other 100% important stuff). i have a lot of plans for this year and i can't wait to share it with you guys. 
          starting sometimes this week (or this month lol), i'll publish a(nother) short-ish story. (;
          I've been teasing it since early last year, and i because now i'm back in singapore, i can start to polish it again. 
          stay tuned!
          (i swear it's not gonna be that long)


          hey hey (;
          i know, i know. It's been more than 6 months since my last upload even tho i said that i will keep updating while writing the new story. 
          the thing is, i forgor :skull: 
          eheeeee (pls don't kill me)
          anyway. for those who's waiting for a new chapter since January, i'm sorry :sob:. i wanna just complain on how there's a bunch of test and sorts and how i've been (and still currently) sick, but that's just cheap. 
          SO, instead of that, i'm just gonna give you a handful of new chapters (;
          (so that i can disappear again and probably be back in 3 years after my collage *THAT IS A JOKE BTW)
          i still love my dear 2 (or) 3 loyal reader and my fellow writers that put a lof of hard work and dedication to make a great story. 
          Anyway, my rumbling is getting boring, so here you guys go~~~


it should be one year anniversary. im damb :p


this message may be offensive
hey hey!
          i feel like i need to say something cause i havent upload much lately. No, it's not because i lost my motivation to edit (not entirely) but it's cause i started a new story project!!!! ;D
          me trying to not start a new story when DD is still running challenge (impossible) XD.
          But fear not my dear loyal reader, different from the story that i made for my friend, i will still occasionally upload a new chapter here and there so it wont be completely silent. Just don't expect any regular upload or even multiple chapters at all :p
          yeah that's all i wanted to say, wish me luck, cause this project wil probably be twice bigger than the story for my friend.....
          - writing a new and denser story
          - test and exam like in every other week
          - still trying to update DD along side it
          - my dumbass also wanting to make a drama at the end of 12th grade (the script needs to be planned beforehand)
          i swear i'll be fine ;)
          happy reading~~


100 votes!!!
          damn, never realised i'm gonna reach this milestone this quickly 
          special thanks to my dear friend @JoAlWi123 that voted 28 chapters in the last 2 days *skull emoji
          stay tuned for the newest chapter soon-ish and thanks for giving me the motivation to keep uploading that i need (;


hey! It's 12th of September
          But i think you know what's gonna happen if i make a conversation. yeah, i have a bad news.
          My beastie's novel is not finished because of a lot of things. (most definitely laziness by me and procrastinating)
          i know it sounds bad, but with my awful prediction, i might be able to continue updating later this week. Owo shocking ikr. 
          btw, welcome my fellow reader and writer friends to my deep lonely thought in this god forsaken site called wattpad. i hope you can enjoy my story (;