
Okay guys. To all my Disturbia readers. I had horrible problems trying ti put together a chapter. So. I want your feedback for this. 
          	What do you guys think will happen next?


Hi I am a simple fan of yours and love your disturbila story I think it is a grate story and I would love for you to make some kind of sequel or spin off plz
          -Jeffrey Woods


@JeffreyRed heh. i just finished it. Apologies for this being so late.


Alrighty guys. I have two little announcements.  
          Number one.
          I greatly apologize for leaving you all hanging on my storys. I had started these when I was in grade eight or nine, and at that point in time, I was a huge creepy pasta fangirl. I am now in grade 11 and frankly, I am no longer some huge fangirl or anything. don't get me wrong here, I do still love creepy pasta. I'm just not some obsessive pubescent preteen anymore. 
          BUT because its October,  and it's my favorite month because of halloween, I shall, simply for you guys, try and update "It's My Turn" and attempt to finish off "Disturbia" for you. Keep in mind, If I do manage to do it, I will be changing the names of the protagonist. At that point in time when these were started, I was horrible with names so I just used my own, despite the characters not actually being based off of me. (We could probably also agree that I was horrible with spelling and writing in genral xD) 
          Announcement number two.
          This is for roleplayers. 
          Anyone who has been left hanging in my roleplays from these listed accounts,  please pm me. 
          @Mamori_Kitsune @Mamori_Reborn @One-Drop @Anslem_Anso @Levathian @Kingdom_Mordrivale @Hunters_Union_Code_HB @Hunters_Union (I was Darien) @The_Lamia @The_Hydra @Cytherea_Aphrodite @The_Manticore @Luxnei @Tamamo-No-Mae @Gjakut @Trancendeance @AlnwickCastleVampire @Deamhan @Induce @Indiel @InTactusCumNatura @Informis @AWeaversRegrets or at any other accounts related to this. I'd be glad to pick up lost or left behind roleplays.


@TheEyeEater are you going to update disturbia?


@TheEyeEater oh and yes if like to know when it's coming out


@Adama1 unfortunately I probably won't be updating for a while. I haven't had any desire to return to the books, as I have gotten over my preteen obsessions with slenderman and creepy pasta ^.^; 
            however, I have been offered a part in someone elses book that they're creating, where we put together our original creepy pastas and they put it into the compiled book. if you would like I can notify you when that one is finished.