
Hey y’all! I know it has been so long since I’ve updated anything! I am so sorry, but I have moved and have been remodeling my place from the floor to the ceiling, as well as working, rebranding my own business, and doing like 20 million other things it feels. 
          	I’m hoping to get back into writing very soon!


Hey y’all! I know it has been so long since I’ve updated anything! I am so sorry, but I have moved and have been remodeling my place from the floor to the ceiling, as well as working, rebranding my own business, and doing like 20 million other things it feels. 
          I’m hoping to get back into writing very soon!


Sweet Summer Sunsets has been updated! Thank you to the person who added it to their reading list titled "Probably Won't Be Updated", as it motivated me to get this chapter finished and published. I'm hoping to get some more writing done from now on, and more regular updates, but bear with me while I get my life together. Thank you guys so much for reading!


@eleigh234 hoping for next week! I’m finally caught up on other things so I’m hoping to do weekly or biweekly updates! 


When will the next one be?


Hey y’all! I just noticed that Sweet Summer Sunsets is #1 in the #robertirwin!! This is so incredible to me and I’m blown away! I thought I’d give y’all a little life update! 
          I am currently going through a divorce, as well as dealing with the passing of my brother in November. I’m in the process of moving back home, but I have a week longer of “vacation” at my aunts, so I’m hoping to get some writing done while I’m here! Updates will probably be more spaced out for the next couple of months while I get moved and my new life together, but I will definitely still be writing! 
          Thank y’all for being here and still reading ❤️


@jodiestardis things are going a get better these days! Hopefully I should be able to update my stories soon! 


I hope things get better soon 


Hi everyone! Just another update! I am going through things in my personal life, including recently separating from my husband. I'm not going into details but we're trying to work things out and whatnot. That being said, that is why my updates have not been happening as I'd like. I am planning to do some writing soon, and maybe publish some other stories. I appreciate everyone's kindness and patience <3


Hi friends! I just updated Sweet Summer Sunsets again! I'm so sorry for the delay in updates and the gaps between them. Life has been brutal lately, and I've been trying to take care of my mental health on top of everything, which is also difficult. I am trying my best to keep writing and updating when I get a few chapters drafted up. Thank you so much for bearing with me and I appreciate all the interest in my book!


@AmberIrwin16 thank you! I really appreciate it ❤️


it’s such a good book!!!


Hey everyone! Just wanting to let y’all know that I will be updating Sweet Summer Sunsets soon, and hopefully I’ll be updating a few chapters at once! Thank y’all so much for your patience, and I’m so sorry about the delay! I finished college recently and I’m currently on a post-graduation vacation and trying to get at least a bit written. I’m hoping the next update will be next weekend! 


@mrs-siriusblack Hi there! I just updated!


when is the next update coming out? i love this book!


Hey y'all! I just realised it's been over a month since my last update on Sweet Summer Sunsets! June was hectic for me, I moved and spent the month looking for a new place, packing, etc. I'm going to try to get an update out this upcoming week! Thank y'all so much for over 16k reads! I have another story up as well, and two others as drafts. I plan to have updates out soon! Thanks so much for your patience <3


Hi friends! I know there might be quite a few of you who are new and coming from my comment on a Robert Irwin TikTok Fan Page. First of all, welcome! Second, I do often update and make changes to older chapters while I’m working on new ones so if you get a bunch of notifications about updates that’s why. 
          I’m also working on two new stories! And I do also try to update my Imagines book somewhat often. But thanks for all the reads guys!