
I’m so sorry for not updating recently! I’ve been busy with studying, and all, and recently writer’s block has been having at me. I’ll upload something soon, I’m just not sure yet.


Okay, clearly I haven’t exactly been very efficient with my updating, I’m sorry, for anyone that cares. (Also sorry for the notification.) It’s only that, I’ve been busy with a lot of things. I’ve been having some issues with someone and haven’t exactly had the time on my hands to do much. I hope you understand, if you care, that is. (Note: I reread this and a few parts look like it’s asking for attention. I’m only being realistic, I don’t have that many followers that actually read my stuff and I thought I would just go a bit more in depth to my situation so you can understand... dang it, this looks like I’m looking for attention too. Eh, whatever.)


Hello! I'm announcing that I'm going to be writing a story WITH someone, or multiple people! (Via google docs.) Whoever is interested, feel free to reply!


@TheFabricator this sounds fun, I would like to apply.


Can I apply? 