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So, one of our admins royally screwed up and she is now rotting in the dungeons for her transgression. *ahem* If you filled out the form previously to become a reviewer, that form is obsolete and wasn't deleted and so any applications are lost. However, if you still hold faith in us (for which you have our undying gratitude), we welcome you to fill out the correct form which is below. Best wishes, and we look forward to seeing your applications!! ~ The Fae Folk (minus Gwyn, who is currently in the dungeon)
@CarolinaC You have our humble thanks. ^_^ Gwyn is now working out her freedom, sweeping flagstones in the courtyard, I believe. She is glad you find her situation entertaining.
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So, one of our admins royally screwed up and she is now rotting in the dungeons for her transgression. *ahem* If you filled out the form previously to become a reviewer, that form is obsolete and wasn't deleted and so any applications are lost. However, if you still hold faith in us (for which you have our undying gratitude), we welcome you to fill out the correct form which is below. Best wishes, and we look forward to seeing your applications!! ~ The Fae Folk (minus Gwyn, who is currently in the dungeon)
@CarolinaC You have our humble thanks. ^_^ Gwyn is now working out her freedom, sweeping flagstones in the courtyard, I believe. She is glad you find her situation entertaining.
*screams into the void* WE ARE HIRING REVIEWERS!!! *ahem* Now that we have your attention, if you're interested in joining our supreme, amazing review team, please check out the link below! We'd love to have you join us. :D ~ The Fae Folk
TFF QUESTION TIME: What's the best fantasy romance of all time? (As in couples: ie Han and Leia, Christine Daae, that guy with the volleyball, etc.) Tell us below.
LAST CALL TO VOTE for The Fae Folk's Community name! Will it be Faebaes? Faelings? Wisps? Cast your vote here: https://www.wattpad.com/1093790872-about-the-fae-folk-the-battle-of-the-names/comment/1093790872_ac06b923dfe84effb6d4b331a4f9d5ec_1625236993_734b698fa2
ATTENTION ALL FOLLOWERS: We need your help. We are searching for a name for our community members and want to get your suggestions and votes on what we've thought up already. Step right into All About the Fae Folk to talk to our members here: https://www.wattpad.com/1093790872-about-the-fae-folk-the-battle-of-the-names Thanks!
Thanks for adding "A Duel Nature" to your Fan Favorites list! :D
If writers used the Force to create their stories, would you be a Jedi or a Sith?
@TheFaeFolk Jedi. I have a story where nothing really bad happens and the characters get a happy ending. And another one where I put them through a lot but it works out for good in the end.
@TheFaeFolk Grey, I'd say. Characters mostly get a happy ending, but some characters were really tortured, to an evil degree if it was done by the force.
Grey Jedi. ;-) I enjoy making my readers suffer...but there's always a happy ending.
Which fantasy story do you think has been the best in 2021 so far?
@DomiSotto You're awesome! @The FaeFolk, one of my fav new fantasy reads of this year is @lionobsession 's The Night Mares. It's a MG read about a boy dealing with mental health issues
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