It'll never be insane to me that after all this time, blatant racism and discrimination is still an everyday occurrence. I thought this year couldn't get any worse with Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and the virus, and yet here we are. What's happened to George Floyd is both heartbreaking and infuriating. As far as I know, the officer responsible has been charged, but it still raises the topic of how easy someone who's sworn to protect can manipulate their position to decide who's innocent and how they should be punished if they decide they're not. Police officers should not be approached with hesitance depending on the color of your skin. You should not have to wonder if you're approaching someone who might protect you or hurt you.
I've run into various links on every social media site I use, and I just want to pay it forward on here to those of you who need it. Some of you may have already seen other petition and donation sites and did your part, but spreading awareness is a continuous cycle if we hope to see any change.