
DISCUSSION QUESTION: What part of nature makes you marvel at God's amazingness?


@TheFaithClan Landscapes. It is amazing to see how perfectly God created the world, and how he gave us these beautiful places. With one word, he created it all, and yet he wants a relationship with us.


@blueberryxcafe Sea animals always seem so majestic!


@Pinestripe37 He truly is! That was a lovely answer! Thank you for sharing. I live on a farm and we HAD chickens until a fisher got in somehow and ate them.


DISCUSSION QUESTION: What part of nature makes you marvel at God's amazingness?


@TheFaithClan Landscapes. It is amazing to see how perfectly God created the world, and how he gave us these beautiful places. With one word, he created it all, and yet he wants a relationship with us.


@blueberryxcafe Sea animals always seem so majestic!


@Pinestripe37 He truly is! That was a lovely answer! Thank you for sharing. I live on a farm and we HAD chickens until a fisher got in somehow and ate them.


DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is your favorite Christian song and why?


@TheFaithClan I have so many!! :D
            A few that come to mind are: My Shepherd by Aaron Shust- very special song to me as it always fills me with so much joy and God used it in getting me through a hard time once in a miracle! It's also based directly on Psalm 23 which I find really cool, and that's one of my favorite passages! Welcome Holy Spirit By Hilde Bedsvaag, beautiful worship song to connect with the Holy Spirit which is so important to do and healing. And my friend recently introduced me to No Distance/Emmanuel by Seph Schlueter which just felt like a perfect song to cry to, so comforting and captures God's Wonderful Love so emotionally and beautifully!


@Pinestripe37 It’s so good!!!!


@Geekgirl531 I just discovered Fragile Heart a few days ago and I loove it!!


DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is your favorite part of your faith/Church? Bible Camp? The Services? Your pastor? Parishoniers/the community?


@TheFaithClan My favorite part of my church is EVERYTHING. <3 I love it so much!


@_moonlightreader Well, it hurts to know that this one Democrat's hurtful words toward the Church were half-true. They were mad that people can be forgiven for their sins. But they said that anyone in a religious community is being brainwashed and sexualizing kids. Come on?! 
            So, it is partially true that it happens in the church, but the guy was super rude and twisted everything.


@TheFaithClan  yes that's the Catholic Church in my country.. :( it's sad... 


DISCUSSION QUESTION: Do you support the 'woke' things? Why or why not?


@TheFaithClan No, I don't support it. I do love and value the people themselves though, and pray for them- Jesus taught us to show compassion after all and I believe everyone should be treated with kindness.
            It also bothers me how sexuality and such labels are becoming seen as such a central part of our "identity." Why is that something to focus on, much less see as the core of who you are?? It seems so unfulfilling, focusing so much on those things and ignoring true meaning. Our true Identity is found in Christ and our focus to be put in Him, and I wish more people would see that and find true joy and sense of belonging.


@TheFaithClan I agree, we have to be careful that we're accurately translating what it truly says instead of what we want it to say


DISCUSSION QUESTION: How did you find Jesus? Had you always known Him, or did someone special bring Him into your life?


@RaabeScarlet Yes, my mother worked in Bible translation and my father did some teaching. We were there for about ten years, so it felt normal to me, like home!


@Lover_of_Languages YOU WERE MISSIONARY IN AFRICA??? THAT'S SO COOL, and I've always known Jesus, but this year I started to really fight for my salvation, to understand better some things and to learn more, but of course my parents were a crucial part of it, as they always brought me to church.


@TheFaithClan I was also born and raised in a Christian family, we were missionaries in Africa for a while, so I grew up in a very evangelical environment, full of faith, but I didn't think of letting Jesus into my life until last summer, after having lived some wonderful experiences, and I got baptised a month ago.



Don't forget that we are still in the Easter Season!
          Praise the Lord and all His Glory, for through it we are one. 
          We would like to request that you all say a special prayer for world leaders tonight. It seems that things have been going downhill recently and tensions are rising. 
          Don't forget; no matter much evil is in the world, there is always more good. God is always there, watching over each and every one of us. We have nothing to fear so long as we have faith! <333
          God Bless and have a wonderful Easter Season! <333