
If I did like  Mchanzo or Genyatta stories would anyone read them?? just wondering lol. Maybe some Reaper76 to, and SOMETHING with my baby lucio


Totally not sad only nine people read the cicero story I spent days on :)))))))
          sorry everyone i was just really proud of that story, i know skyrim is old and stuff but i thought since modders are still making content the fandom would be more active.


I have a side project I'm working on until I get ideas for the new scenarios. (Working on them I promise!) But if I posted it would anyone read it??? Its a skyrim thing about Cicero and a oc guy, I quite like it (theres smut;)))) anywhoo would anyone read it? Also I have been busy with life stuff and this was just where I dumped ideas in my spare time. 


I just realized that my latest chapter in Creepypasta scenarios didn't upload correctly, and I spent an hour getting it to upload properly fml


@TheFallen_Writer i plan on starting then up again. 