I’ve made an official announcement on instagram and I’d like to post one on here as well but—somebody is selling me books under their name online for money and completely plagiarizing my stories!
If you search up Fighter’s Den by Alessa Steel online, you will find Lucas’s story (The Unexpected Path) WORD FOR WORD being sold on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Goodreads, and YouTube.
If you could please help me by clicking on the sites and leaving 1 star reviews stating that the book is plagiarized, and to credit me as the original author.
It is so unfortunate that indie authors write for free on wattpad and keep their books free for readers only for people to steal their work and sell it for money. The 1 star reviews seem to be working because I can’t see the book on many websites anymore so if I could please get all my followers on this platform to help as well!
Thank you in advance. I hope to be back soon under better circumstances.
Love, Amber ❤️