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Damn. Guess Narrator was right. This account is really dead. But, there's a good reason for that. I suppose I should explain wtf has been going on behind the scenes as I am the creator and most active person on this joint account. So, here r the reasons y this account has been dead recently Basically, the only members who are still going to be part of this are me, Soph and Rose. Dev has basically gone missing from the Internet and we can't get in touch with them. Vascillor has stated he doesn't really want to be in anything big right now and this was a very ambitious project (idk if it is now). Two people (who I am not going to name for privacy reasons) have left this project and r no longer my friends. Pretty sure Rose has MAJOUR writer's block for literally anything nowadays and finally Soph is the most inactive person (apart from Dev) I have ever met. Idk y she has gone inactive, but she has. Also, apologies if I'm getting your pronouns wrong, Soph. And my school life has been AWFUL recently. I have been having dark thoughts and feelings and my mental health has just dropped. I'm not even at rock bottom, I am BELOW rock bottom. So, yeah. Basically all of us are very tangled up in our own messes so I have no fucking idea what will happen to this account, but hopefully it'll burn bright one day... One day. ~Angel