
Hey hey! After years of being away from this site, I've decided to come back. Maybe not as often as I did in my teenagehood but I want to start writing again and maybe one day publishing one of my own works! 
          	I decided to share the whole short story of The Train to the Station of Imagination, Have a look!


Why are you losing followers everyday :-( your books are really good! 


 Awww hope you get through fine :-) 


@Purplity thank you very much for that kind message. I've been having a very hard time the last 3 months so I didn't have the time to write anything. I'm really happy to know that you enjoy my stories and I hope you have a good day


Hi Constance!!!!!
          Thank you sooooo much for the votes and comments on my book, they made me really happy!!
          Ive read some of your books to, and tbh THEY WERE SO GOOD???? Like???I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE THIS TALENTED?? THEYRE AMAZING!!
          Keep up with your work :>
          I'll see you in school~


@oblivious_105 :) Thank you, you just made my day :) You made me smile so much that my mom thought I had some problem. I really enjoyed your book too its so nice <3


Hello! I found your book, "Infinite Words" on my newsfeed, and I am glad that I did! After reading a little of it, I see that you have good intrigue, and a strong passion for writing. I think that we should team up! You see, I've been searching for somebody who shares my interest in creating vivid scenes and writing style, and I think that we both could learn a lot from each other, and come away better writers. If you're interested, pm me any time and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time!
          - @Fenrir__


ok..I've not read any of your works so I don't know your my defense I read your bio and that alone impressed me..then others comments leading me to make an assumptive perception..that you probably write good..
          with that said I'd like to explore a different that intrigues the crap out if me..the other side of the author..friendship. not just another obscure follower but an acquaintance,a friend..hello my name is Adalaine Marie.
          I am a senior Deputy admin on the wattpad support group team found @TeaAndSympathy works page
          pm me sometime..I'll add your book to my library but I can't tell you when I'll be able to get to it..but I give you my word I will..


@piinkwolf Hey, Adalaine Marie (I love your name so much !) I'm really happy to see that you liked the bio and I hope you will like my books. I'll be very happy to talk to pm you.


Dear Constance,
          Infinite words is unexpectedly great. Reading your other book obviously made me expect good work from you but this one is just great. It seems that you've worked well on your writing and this post is just to encourage you. 
          *letter format is reference to your other book that I loved.


@Shakyabinita You don't know how happy I am right now !  I literally can't stop smiling.


Don't thank me, you deserved this. ;)


@Shakyabinita thanks so much I didn't expect to receive this. thanks so so much. I don't even know how to reply :)


Hello again Constance!!
          As i was saying
          Are you making a new chapter or book 
          for INFINITE WORDS
          i'm starting to get bored~★
          if you have a time to make a new chapter or book
          i'll be happy to!
          Sincerely by : Kal


@KalPioquinto I'm actually working on Chapter 7 right now.  Thanks so much for all those kind comments by the way !