Bro I forgot I had this old dumb account and found the password too it and now I'm back? I have a different account now but I wanted to check this one out lol.
So hi lol
Bro I forgot I had this old dumb account and found the password too it and now I'm back? I have a different account now but I wanted to check this one out lol.
So hi lol
I've been working on a part two for my fanfic but I have been busy with alot of work my school wants me to finish hhhh.
So in the morning I'll be working and by night I'll be more active. I might check my phone in between my work every now and then but that'll be it. I'll be more active in a few days and try to continue my fanfic.
I posted my old hecking fanfic. I only have two followers right now and I don't know if I'm gonna get more sooner or later hhhh.
If you are interested in it then maybe you can read it? I don't know hhh. I just want to know if I did ok so I can get motivated enough to write more shippy fanfics.
(I'm not that good of a writer by the way hhhhh)