TL;DR: Things are a mess but I have completely recognized the problem areas (and already solved a few :D) and am making slow progress. Being optimistic, I'll probably have something out in October. Being realistic, I have no idea.
I've calmed down a lot, and have returned to 3P1D. I'm gonna say now that I will resume it later rather than sooner. The very early chapters are mostly fine, it's mostly timeline repair, beating chapter 2 with a rusty bat, and polishing, but the middle chapters need to be rewritten from the ground up, and I need to restructure the first 1/3 of the plot-y part of the story because, wow, what crack was I smoking? I am getting work done, it's just more work than I expected. I'm thinking if I get those 2 major issues dealt with, I'll have stuff out in October, maybe, but I have no idea how I'm gonna deal with that mess yet, and I'm not gonna push myself too much, so it could be later. I'll have weekly progress updates if that's not annoying. Ha 1000 characters