
It's the last day of November and I am proud to announce that the story formerly known as 3P1D (rename coming soon, working title "STORY") is 40,000 words!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about half done, and I am very excited!!!!! The posting in December is a *might* because there's a lot of editing that needs to happen and I now have willing beta readers to worry about, but progress is being made!!! Like a lot!!! I'm getting a cupcake to celebrate lmao.


It's the last day of November and I am proud to announce that the story formerly known as 3P1D (rename coming soon, working title "STORY") is 40,000 words!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about half done, and I am very excited!!!!! The posting in December is a *might* because there's a lot of editing that needs to happen and I now have willing beta readers to worry about, but progress is being made!!! Like a lot!!! I'm getting a cupcake to celebrate lmao.


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Aight fellas, after like a year of hiatus, I'm back on my bullshit, have revived 3p1d (though it is very changed), and will be participating in a bastardized version of NaNoWriMo. Hold onto your butts because I'm in a much better mental state than I've been in a while and these characters are getting the love and therapy they deserve >:DDDDDD 
          I might actually be posting in December because as I said this will be a bastardized version of NaNoWriMo. I'm bringing my daily word count down to like 500 instead of nearly 2000 to make this more possible.


Also, I might be figuring out how ao3 actually works and post there but I figured I'd announce things here


You ever been in a fandom for like 3 years and 90% of the creative writing you've ever done was fanfic for that fandom and then you just kinda completely drop out of the fandom so now you have a massive pile of abandoned projects that you have no idea what to do with and you feel a lot of vague unpleasant feelings every time you look at your graveyard of a writing program and it's stopped you from writing anything at all?


@TheFrogWhoWrites I feel you *pats your back*


How did crappy little beginner writer me just have ideas???? And she wrote them down???? And she had multiple a day???? I've almost exclusively been working on 3P1D for like a whole year. Where are the 50 projects I used to do at the same time? I know quality over quantity is a thing but what happened? How do I go back?


I want to go back to those old ideas and flesh them out and make them actual stories but it's like... you know those videos where people take weird things like pop-its and urine and all that and refine it down to precious materials? It's like that. I'm taking a weird object and being like "hmmm I bet with 200$ worth of acid and a few weeks I could get a gram of valuable material out of this!"


A minor name change, yay. I'm getting real spicy with these background, description, and name changes huh? Maybe next I'll change my profile pic, who knows.


@TheFrogWhoWrites Maybe not spicy, but definitely classy.


I'm as spicy as sparkling water.


It's update day!
          Things are going okay, I've gotten a lot of editing done, especially to chapters 1 4 (soon to be 3 bc reorganising) 6 and 8. I still haven't figured out the situation with the middle chapters, but I'll get there soon enough I hope. I do think that my expected time of first chapter is being pushed towards November in light of recent events, but we'll see. That's about it.


How cool and frustrating would it be if I waited until March and released the chapters on the day they are supposed to happen. Chapters 1-3 come out March 18th etc. Sometimes you'd have to wait months between updates and sometimes you'd get muliple in one day. I'm not considering something like that but imagine.


TL;DR: Things are a mess but I have completely recognized the problem areas (and already solved a few :D) and am making slow progress. Being optimistic, I'll probably have something out in October. Being realistic, I have no idea. 
          I've calmed down a lot, and have returned to 3P1D. I'm gonna say now that I will resume it later rather than sooner. The very early chapters are mostly fine, it's mostly timeline repair, beating chapter 2 with a rusty bat, and polishing, but the middle chapters need to be rewritten from the ground up, and I need to restructure the first 1/3 of the plot-y part of the story because, wow, what crack was I smoking? I am getting work done, it's just more work than I expected. I'm thinking if I get those 2 major issues dealt with, I'll have stuff out in October, maybe, but I have no idea how I'm gonna deal with that mess yet, and I'm not gonna push myself too much, so it could be later. I'll have weekly progress updates if that's not annoying. Ha 1000 characters


Chapter 7 will be missed, 10 isn't. Chapter 10 was a dumpster fire I wrote in 20 minutes during class while arguing with someone over a Reddit meme. It was also borderline plagiarized from a book I was reading and is very historically inaccurate.


Can we have a moment of silence for 7 and 10? I hate deleting chapters, but I had to. 7 is going in the deleted scenes file, but these aren't in the story anymore. 
            Also, let's welcome to the world 8, who was reborn and rekindled my love for 3P1D.


How do filler chapters work? What's a good idea for filler chapters? How?????? Asking for a friend, not because I'm about to tear my hair out at the thought that 2 out of 5 of the major high points (who needs a plot mountain? we got a mountain range.) happen in the first 1/4 of the story.


Written and edited: 4
          Fully written but not edited to satisfaction: 7, 10, 11, 16
          ????: 5, 6 (they are mostly edited but I hate massive sections and want to clip them out but if I do that then the plot of the story will collapse)
          half-written: 8, 9, 15, 17 
          I am going to write this after I finish typing this like legit I got my writing playlist and an empty doc open: 12
          Things are going... okay. I really need help on chapters 5/6 but to acquire help I'd have to spoil the entire story for one of my two readers and I'm not doing that so I'm kinda ignoring those chapters and hoping somehow through some magic they will fix themselves.


Just so we can have more positivity in our lives and because A Certain Someone would be upset if I didn't say something positive: I REALLY like how chapters 4, 16, and 17 are turning out even if the latter 2 aren't finished!!!! Also, I completely from the ground up am rewriting chapter 9 and I think once I finish it and buff down the rough edges it'll be really good! It's 85% fluff because chapters 7, 10, and 11 are on the yikes side so there needs to be a moment to breathe.