

Broooo its been a while since iv red some good fanfictions on rainbow and that one shot with ela and the bomb gave me chills. The books.really good i didn't expect to find any updating books so thanks for being awesome


@Dreamreader666 And you can expect there to be hell to pay.
            Scott Mitchell, the big boss. John Kozak, the Future Soldier, and Checkmate, the Protagonist...
            There's gonna be heads rollin'


Hey dude, i just wanna say that i know how it is to deal with write blocks, it's  not  easy but i Think you will made it. Maybe it takes  time but don't Stress yourself out only because of this, just take your time and don't Think that your readers would hate you for that. They will understand,  so just have Fun at that what you are writing, your the Autor and thats Right so. Btw sorry for my stupid english,  i still have troubels with it 
          Greetings from Switzerland 
          Peace out 


@HellPrxnce First and foremost don't stress yourself over your English, its passable and better than most of my High School classmates I went with when I was still in High School, secondly, greetings from America and thank you for the kind words, I'll be sure to continue the story one day (hopefully sooner).


Can you update the thatchers son x ela reader book I’m really liking it it’s something new to R6S books on Wattpad pad. Keep up the good work 


@overlordundead I am trying to write again however it is a bit of a chore rather than a hobby at this point so it's a small break while I handle writers block


I'm not entirely sure if Wattpad comments is working but keep p the great writing and perhaps a nice railgun as a gadget like the one from bf4.


@andycohen5 Thanks for the first comment man, haven't gotten any notifications about this story for reviews and I'll take that under advisement so long as it makes sense.
            Stay faithful dear reader