
Hello everyone
          	I announce this with a steady hand
          	Things have, unfortunately, not become easier. But in fact, worse. It's getting tougher. An end of something I cared for and fought to keep came. Relationships broken. Giving up parts of things I grew with and helped people with. Finding out my dad is yet another year closer to death in his limited time. 
          	As soon as I feel I am ready! Let's get some writing going on mood! Something happens where my mood is shot down. Or to even muster the inspiration gets shot. 
          	I have so much I want to do here. But each day, it gets harder. My job as well. Expectations to meet. Little support of my dreams. It isn't easy.
          	I know, I know. Excuses won't get me through.
          	My apologies aren't good to keep doing without any actions. But I am truly sorry.
          	But maybe soon I can keep writing.
          	In fact, I got a new story in mind. A totally original, new idea.
          	And I can't wait to repolish and continue my last stories. 
          	Let's hope that this year. I'll finally be back. 
          	Happy 2025 people. 
          	Let's have some stories written. 


@TheGamingKiller698 pls, I wanna talk like old time, catch up on things


Hello everyone
          I announce this with a steady hand
          Things have, unfortunately, not become easier. But in fact, worse. It's getting tougher. An end of something I cared for and fought to keep came. Relationships broken. Giving up parts of things I grew with and helped people with. Finding out my dad is yet another year closer to death in his limited time. 
          As soon as I feel I am ready! Let's get some writing going on mood! Something happens where my mood is shot down. Or to even muster the inspiration gets shot. 
          I have so much I want to do here. But each day, it gets harder. My job as well. Expectations to meet. Little support of my dreams. It isn't easy.
          I know, I know. Excuses won't get me through.
          My apologies aren't good to keep doing without any actions. But I am truly sorry.
          But maybe soon I can keep writing.
          In fact, I got a new story in mind. A totally original, new idea.
          And I can't wait to repolish and continue my last stories. 
          Let's hope that this year. I'll finally be back. 
          Happy 2025 people. 
          Let's have some stories written. 


@TheGamingKiller698 pls, I wanna talk like old time, catch up on things


Yo everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Now I first wanna deeply apologize for my absence. It was FAR too long. Things have really been becoming a massive challenge. Family struggles, me working my job, and much more. Three, I don't think my head was entirely right in the head at the moment as well. Cause I'll admit it. During times of massive stress with my family, I beat my legs until they were numb. One point of view, it was to where I was in pain since they were growing more resistant to the beatings. Had a bit of girlfriend troubles. My friends needed help. And things aren't getting easier with the family. But the end for the family struggles might be getting done. And I can't wait. Then my mind can be calm, and then I can get the passion I lost with here. So I'm here. You all are on my mind. And soon I'll be back. That's a promise. Until next time. Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great day. And heres to the future.


@TheGamingKiller698 hi shane it's me
            Me, I would like to get back in contact. This was the only place I thought I could reach you.


@TheGamingKiller698 Hi happy late thanksgiving! And hey it's okay, definitely take your time because this is very tricky. I can't wait to see u next time! 


@TheGamingKiller698 happy Thanksgiving and it ok


It appears I was wrong. At this moment. My bio sister may be shipped off to a mental health facility. She has claimed to be suicidal after so many events. I was hopeful this was the end to this struggle with my family. But it appears I was wrong. Very wrong. It's disappointing, to say the least. Knowing what I have seen. I fear this family may never be the same again.


@TheGamingKiller698 I'm so sorry to hear that.


Okay so things may be getting better. It is still unknown but things are calmer. Unfortunately I may be now dealing with a break up with my gf. But my family is doing okay for now. So I'm going to try and get back into posting. Cause I know I definitely want to post. But with everything and me graduating early at May things did not get easier. So hopefully I'll be back soon. 
          Happy Halloween everybody! It's coming soon! 
          And keep doing well. 


@TheGamingKiller698 Oh hey! Sorry to hear things aren't going well with your gf and somewhat of your family. I hope everything will get better! Wishing you the best! And make sure to take your time and take care of yourself ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ (I too am excited for Halloween!)


I am so sorry man, I hope you’re doing well


Hey guys, this is TheGamingKiller698nhere. And well, I'm sorry that I was so Inactive lots of things have been going on and well. It's not looking so nice for me. You see, bad things have been happening with my family and things have been getting harder and harder to get back onto here. Which I apologize for my inactivit is so It's going to happen to channel. Well, don't worry because I am still going to remain here. I'm gonna try my hardest going through all the family. Stress physical fights that have been breaking out and much more than I. Then I can do and I'm gonna try and remain active as possible. Oh, so if I dont post.I am very sorry and I will try my hardest to post whenever I can.


@TheGamingKiller698 hey man don't apologize, it's okay to take your time with everything that's going on 


@TheGamingKiller698 I’m sorry about that man 


@TheGamingKiller698 its ok, you should focus on your family and yourself.