Hello everyone
I announce this with a steady hand
Things have, unfortunately, not become easier. But in fact, worse. It's getting tougher. An end of something I cared for and fought to keep came. Relationships broken. Giving up parts of things I grew with and helped people with. Finding out my dad is yet another year closer to death in his limited time.
As soon as I feel I am ready! Let's get some writing going on mood! Something happens where my mood is shot down. Or to even muster the inspiration gets shot.
I have so much I want to do here. But each day, it gets harder. My job as well. Expectations to meet. Little support of my dreams. It isn't easy.
I know, I know. Excuses won't get me through.
My apologies aren't good to keep doing without any actions. But I am truly sorry.
But maybe soon I can keep writing.
In fact, I got a new story in mind. A totally original, new idea.
And I can't wait to repolish and continue my last stories.
Let's hope that this year. I'll finally be back.
Happy 2025 people.
Let's have some stories written.