Happy late new years!
I hope everyones doing well.
I'm sure some of you know that I struggle with saveire depression. I find it impossible to get up some days. It's too the point that if I don't change things soon I'll need to be hospitilized.
So! This year I want to activly try to manage my depression more.
It's a lot harder then it sound's trust me. I just need to take the first step. Which in this case is setting alarms to try and get myself on a routine.
I don't post a lot, and I do apologize for that. For this year is more or less going to be more absent as I try and focus on getting the proper help.
And for those like me who activly struggle with depression. For those who cannot fathom how people rise out of bed. For those who are constantly tired, please find a way to get help. Talk to a therapist. Look online for events in your comunity. And touch grass!
Oh god, trust me when I say, going outside and walking while listening to muisc has helped a lot!
My journy with fighting back against my depression is just starting. I'll try and keep you updated.