
Sorry I can’t follow all of you guys back but if I could I would


I love you soooo much baby. Ik I'm not always around and I'm sorry... You're my everything and I truly do love you. *kisses your cheek* you're always there for me and you always understand... thank you baby. You're the love of my life I'm so lucky to be able to call you mine. *hugs you and kisses softly* just wanted to remind you that... *cuddles you* it's been almost a year since we first started dating. yeah it was on and off but that doesn't matter. Almost a year ago we became Finn and Jay and I met my one and only. Now we're stronger than ever and have a family. You keep me going when I need it. I love you Finn. 


@XxEmoJayxX awe that's so adorable 
            ❤️❤️❤️* blushs *


So I'm hanging with my friend. She's like 'what you doin' and I end up reading her ur bio and then she says, 'OMG HE'S GAY!!! LETS BE FRANNS!!!' Just gonna post that and there. Now live with that Internet person. My weirdo friend wants to be ur friend. There. (: ~SC