
Check the last post that was done by Mhux_Mixtieqa under this. They are telling the truth. I should know. They're me. I just posted it on the wrong account.


Hi everyone. 
          Wow its been ages since I've been on here.
          Sorry I haven't been on in ages, I've been focused on School.
          Anyway, I've made another account and I'm moving all my stories over there. This will be my reading account. So if you wanna see my reading lists they'll be here. And my stories will be on @Mhux_Mixtieqa 
          Anyway, I hope all of Y'all are doin' ok. 


wait.. lol. I posted this comment on the wrong account lol.


this message may be offensive
Ugh, just had my first day of Year 10. What a pain. Between mostly layinging in bed and working my shift ar KFC for a few hours I've done nearly nothing all year. So going to school for 6 hours then haveing to socialise and be kind to people for 5 hours is hard. Especially when one of the people who've worked there for years scared the shit outa me. 
          So yeah. How was everyone else's day?


Hi! This is a big announcement and only select few of my friends know about it. I hope you help me through out this stage of life. But this is a huge thing. I will now be telling you my sexuality.
          I am.. Bisexual with pride! I have had crushes on two of my friends. One was a noy from primary school. And a girl from high school. Again I hope you help me through this point of life. I don't like being put down. As my mum says. Don't dip from someone elses bucket. Fill their bucket instead.
          Another thing is that I am also working on a book about one of my OC's sexualitys. And her sexuality is Bisexual.I might post it someday soon. Or at least once I stop procastinating and acually finish it.
          Thanks a lot for listening to my ranting. If you even got this far. I hope you have a good life. And enjoy what you have! Goodbye for now!


@Gay_Cheese that's great! I love it when other people of the LGBTQ+ community openly state their sexuality! It shows our pride I like to say!


@TheZodiacOfCancer hey that's cool! I'm openly lesbian actually


Thnx 4 the follow! Ur rlly great!


@cat-shinso then ill spread this 1.