
Update of AMMG! 
          	Please guys, I know you're all frustrated with the long waits between updates, and I'm sorry. 
          	But, and there's a big BUT here (as well as my own sat on a chair, wahey, banter) constant digs about how long its taken is really starting to get to me. It's actually completely non-motivational. 
          	Also, I believe we all have lives outside of wattpad! *gasps of horror everywhere* I have been WORKING on a farm over the summer amongst other things, 4.30am-> 8pm. When I get back I eat, then sleep. There isn't a functional thought in my brain, never mind trying to  write up a chapter, to followers that will only moan about how long it's been.  
          	I AM aware it's annoying though, and I feel I do apologise for it all the time.
          	For those of you being nice about it, this isn't for you! There's some guys, when I see their name/ pic and that they've commented, I think 'OH THANK GOODNESS, THEY WILL BE NICE AND CHEER ME UP'.
          	Thanks anyway and for those going back to school/college/uni, are you feeling as rough as I am? I'm not ready for homework again!
          	Amy x


Hi Amy. I absolutely love ur stories!
          Just a quick question: is the first book if this series complete?
           And second: do u keep a regular update schedule? Like how often u update? I hope I'm not being pushy, since I'm a writer myself and I completely understand the pressure to write fast. Hehehe... But just asking...