Heya....long time no see.....heh.
Just know I’m not back. I don’t ever want to come back on this account.
This account is a remembrance of some of the hardest times of my life.
I just wanted to talk to you all.
You all have every right to hate me. Every right to think I am an attention seeking whore.
I’m okay with that,because you have every right to think so. When I made this account I was confused with who I was,(sexuality and gender expression) and had issues with my family,my past,anxiety,and severe depression.
I always used FlipAnim and wattpad as an escape from where I was,and when my only escapes from the constant times life hit me hard so fast,was gone...I broke.
I am now in therapy and in a better place,having made amends with my mother as well as having a more positive view of myself. There are still things that need improvement, though.
I really cannot thank you all enough for the positive comments you left when I left so abruptly,it really warms my heart to know that,even though I did not see them then, you cared.
About leaving so abruptly,I’m sorry for that to. It was completely out of no where and unexpected. Please forgive me.
Again,you all have every right to dispise me.
If you somehow don’t want me to die,i have moved on and made a new account.
If the majority is forgiving, my new account will be provided. If not,I do not want my foolish past mistakes to change how people see me when I try to start over.
You can ask me any question, anything.
I feel like you all deserve answers.
Again,please forgive me for my past stupidity.