I LUV URE GINGER MATE BOOK!!!<3 at first i thought my phone glitched and ure book dissapeared :'(((( i was SOOOO SADDD so i kept sulking till TADAHHHH turns out mah phone DIDNT glitch and HERE URE BOOK WAS YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY ironically i couldnt remember the name of the book and when i saw this in my libary im like "nah imma read tat WAYYYYY later" but i had a feeling so i read it, found out it was this book i luved, died, came back, then cried when i saw tat i was at the end of ure updated chapters :'( boohoo ikr anyways IM LOOKING FORWARD TO MOREEEEEE YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY YESUUUUU