
this message may be offensive
I suck at keeping promises about updating. I also suck at having motivation to finish writing my stories.


Dear everybody, 
           I've lost myself. I've lost myself in my ideas, thinking and knowing that I can be better, that I can't write better. I've lost myself in the lore. With a tangled web of stories unfinished, I struggled and I still struggle to cut myself free. Although I stayed stuck in this web, I trudged on with writing thinking that I needed to, that I had to. In that process is where I begin to lost myself even more. I became less devoted to writing. I no longer enjoyed writing. It felt like mandatory homework. Whenever I finished a chapter of a story I felt happy, but I wasn't never truly happy with it. It felt sloppy and unclean, yet I still published it. Now when I looked at my friend's story I almost cried. I understood what I have lost. In trying to become more professional more mature in my choice of writing, I loss my joy word by word, chapter by chapter. I wasn't myself and that made me...I don't know how to explain, but it didn't feel great. So now, I'm taking a long long much needed break, even though I've already taken time off. I need time to collect myself and time to figure out a way to cut myself free from the web I had originally fell into. Thank you to my friend who unintentionally showed me why I wasn't happy with writing. You won't know who you are, but thank you. And thank you to those you understand. As much as I hate to post this, I need to. Thank you for understanding and if you don't, I'm sorry. I hope you find a way to understand. Thank you...❤️


I FREAKIN HATE MYSELF RN!!! I lost the new skins I made for everyone in Find Me and I'm like, "I didn't even notice till now!! Gosh I'm so stupid!!" An there's no way I can retrieve them!!! And I worked so hard on them too!! And I needed them for the new/last chapter in Find Me!!!!! So help me, I will not kill someone today!