Oh right... We should Just stick to whispering.. After all we could be considered at an online library... Cue corny drum snare and symbol hit- Good idea!!! Now all we need is a logo....
THANK YOU! Where is the creativity if it's organized... ew. Yea lets just color coat all our responses that's they way to go... LOOOOOOOOOOL Niceeee We should start a community! LETS GASP TOGETHER
Hi! I promised you guys a poem a week ago, but better late than never! Please check out my newest poem, Hush, and please comment and vote (only if you like it of course). And if you see any errors let me know immediately!
Hey everybody! I would just like to thank you for your continued support :) I also wanted to know what types of books you are looking for? I'm thinking of writing a novel or maybe a longish short story, and I wanted to know what you guys wanted.