I hate deadpool. but enough about what I feel because I'm here to beg you to read my book.
@TheGirlWithThePen damn you deadpool. it's your fault. and in all seriousness I like sincerity so I'm not gonna lie. I was randomly recommending it to people anyway. P.S. your missing out.
@Love4NovelGuy Ooooh, sorry there, but I can't read anything by people who don't like Deadpool. But in all seriousness, when trying to get attention for your novel you should A)Not start off with saying you hate the thing in a person's avatar, and B) check first to see if a person is active on here(I just randomly logged on after a five month hiatus). But sorry to say, the chances of me reading your story is slim to none. I'm picky about what I read, and having someone ask me to read their story without a summary of what the story is about doesn't really catch my interest. I wish you luck though, and Deadpool is likely to be killed off for a three year period, so rejoice, friend.