
"Odd things animals. Dogs look up to you. Cats look down to you. Only a pig looks at you like an equal." ~Winston Churchill
          	Just a quote I found funny. Have a nice day everypony!


are you going to carry on with 'if I hadn't met you'? because I would like it if you did, it's a great idea :-)


@11snewton if you need to start it again that's ok, it just seems a shame to waste your good story plot


@11snewton I want to but I wrote it such a long time ago... It's super cringe-worthy for me. I like the idea but, I'm afraid I'd have to write it all over again... AH!


Hey, it´s been a long time :) How is it going? You OK?


@NekoShiiro Happy Easter! You know... if you celebrate it that is. Also, she liked the picture! Thanks for asking. xD It was pretty rushed because I had to redo it... but whatever. It ended up being fine. Again... it was hectic, but this week has actually been pretty relaxed. The way I like it. And this week is spring break, so that's a bonus. 
               And I'm certain you have a talent. Everyone does! I used to have no way to vent out my stress and anger and all that stuff, but art has helped me do that and now I feel a lot better. You've just got to keep trying until you find the right thing! That sounded kinda cheesey... >-<


@TheGladersPrincess Oh, but anime´s always a bit hard when you start trying. I´m sure you can be fantastic at it if you try!
            So, how was the party? Did your grandma like the picture? (I´m sure she did!) And the news about your friend´s sister, that´s so cute! There must be such a happy atmosphere in there! :D Congrats!
            XD I can´t also do anything specially well, don´t worry. Even reading and writing are difficult for me ;.; as I´m not a constant person, but oh well... Let´s pretend I can actually do something useful with my existence. (Which I obviously cannot)


@NekoShiiro Haha, that photo isn't mine. I wish I could do anime... But it's not my thing. I've tried. It's just a random photo I had on my desktop for some reason... I felt like I needed a change. Also... Sorry for not answering for 4 whole days (*gasp* I'm horrible, I know), but they've been really busy. 
              One of my old friends finally got their adopted sister (after about 2 years of waiting and fighting to adopt), so that was pretty exciting! And as I said before, it was my Grandmother's birthday and I had to help with a lot of it. xD Barely got the painting done... I had to change the design of the whole thing at 10:30 the night before the party, so *that* was barely done... And I have a huge project for school due. Anywaaaaaay, I'm done going on about my life. :L
              And, because you mentioned it, I can't sing at all. It's downright embarrassing. Or dance. Though I did try having lessons when I was a kid. Let's just say... It didn't work out that well. I couldn't even do a proper turn right. The only thing I'm good at really it reading and drawing, but that's not too bad. I won't complain. ;)


LoL, I was reading Almost, I saw and replied to some of your comments, I came here and now you're my favourite person for shipping Malec, Pernico, supporting gays in general, being as mad as I am about TMR and specially Newt, loving Frozen and The Script and a lot more of things. Follow!
          (You're the first person I follow because of the strong, outstanding personality you show O.O)
          (Pd. Forgive the mistakes, please, I sometimes get stuck while texting in English and my knowledge falls to zero)


@NekoShiiro Thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot to me! ^.^


@NekoShiiro (Of course, this doesn't mean I'm not going to read your works e.e)