Ps. If your name is Francisca then you are Francisco Lackwoski's sister!! but I really like your name.

Btw Zayn was my favorite along with Harry, now one left and both grew their hair longer and added more tattoos and I unfortunately lost my attraction to them. When they were younger they wore more formal clothes and had a nice messy hair and little tattoos. They kinda took it on a higher to my liking level \(T . T)/

@HeMakesMeMelt awwww you made me melt. Thank you, I'm a very picky person when it comes to liking names and your name is one of my favorites! I absolutely love it! You should be glad because it's rare and elegant. I've never met a Francisca before but I'm happy you're the first!

@Imafictionalgirl omg thanxs that's the first time someone's ever said that to me your the sweetest, and omg I would love to be related to him he is a good looking guy and I would inherit his good looks but I'm not lol. But thanks again. I love your username it's cute and life foreal.