
I’ve been working on all my stories slowly, but I am taking a break. Someone very dear to me just passed away so I hope you all can understand my reasoning.
          	I will begin updating at some point.


So, a lot has happened. I’ve been struggling with it. I’m better now.
          I published a chapter that has been sitting in my drafts for months, and now that I have more freetime, I’ll be working on phase eight. Phase seven’s remaining chapters will not be published until phase eight’s completion, so I can resume an updating schedule that I had prior to the derailment known as life.


So as I work on finishing wrapping up Phase seven of Archangel to begin phase eight (the final one), I am currently working on creating one of my honestly largest projects to date. It will be told from the perspective of Hirawa Hitomi. I will not say much else except that no one you will meet in this book has been seen before.
          A completely original story (as original as fanfiction can get) but it will follow it’s own plot line. There will be no correlation to the canon story.
          I am looking forward to writing this for everyone who wants it


I just published a definite long awaited chapter of Archangel. When will the next one be published? That's a good question. I don't know when I'll get it out, but I definitely will try to start working on it soon. With two quizzes and a test in the same day coming up, I'm a little preoccupied.
          Also, on a different note, season 6 of MHA is amazing so far. Absolutely in love with it.


I’m going to be 100% honest. None of my works are going to be put on an indefinite hiatus. I just don’t know when I’ll be back to writing.
          I made the JV team this year. I’m extremely happy with how that turned out. But on September 26, I started in varsity as a setter because their setters were out with COVID. A process that has bern going on for a while finally became confirmed. I no longer am on the JV team. For a matter of fact, I am a fully starting varsity player.
          I don’t know when I’ll find the time to continue writing, but I will nonetheless. With school, NWEA’s coming up, and the playoffs, I will be extremely busy. The added bonus of auditions is a lot as well.


holy macaroni.
          I have like zero excuses for me not updating. With how much time I’m not home, I don’t find time to sit down and write. I generally watch the film I’m writing about while I write it to get me in the mood/feel of it. 
          I can’t promise you that I’m going to get around to it this month. I probably won’t with volleyball camp this week, tryouts next week and then going camping (not mentioning the birthdays and events I already have planned). School is starting back up in less than a month and I’m going to be swamped with classes and volleyball until the sport season ends, which I’m then going to get a job.
          But I know that I will finish that story. Archangel has gotten too far for me to call quits. I’ve been working on phase seven off and on throughout summer, but I don’t think I’ll update it until everything I want is drafted.
          Anyway, gotta sign off and get ready for some volleyball today. Adios.


          I have fallen into a pit and can’t get out from it. I don’t think I ever will. Seriously, imagine immersing yourself in a fandom because you read an abridged version of a book in your English class. I love this new fandom I’m in, but the stories I’ve read are absolutely heart wrenching.
          Les Misérables is a masterpiece and I will forever stand by it. Maybe someday when I get more accustomed to the characters and their personalities, I could potentially draw myself into a hole for that.
          Who knows. If it ever happens, it’ll be after Archangel is finished (which I promise I’m working on. School is done and I’ve just been sidetracked with other things).