
Something with the name of The Crescent Moon and the Blazing Sun came up and I wasn't able to finish the end of my chapter.. My sincerest apologies :D


Yeah, I'm done! Yaayy! Nope, I'm taking half a gap year, so I'll be applying in Jan, not yet. Have you applied anywhere?
          Hahaha, that's one way of putting it. Yeah, when I create the new account.
          Yaay! You'll upload, I've been waiting for so long to find out what's going on!
          Awww, bless her! They grow up so fast, you wait and see. When babies start talking, that's the best part, it's surprising the funny things they say *shakes head*xD


I'm fine, and you? Yeah, but not with exams, my last one is on the 22nd. What about you?
          Ah, well, my hotmail got hacked and the hacker hasn't reacher this one yet, no idea when they might so I thought it'd be better if I just took them all down, but I'm working on a new account so yeah, I'll add you on that one.
          You're welcome! That's okay, when you do upload, tell me=)
          Lol, she's fine. How about your neice? How's she doing? Yeah, we should, you too=)


Lol, yup, I still have my exams left though. 
          Wow, you sure have a lot going on with you, must be a very busy schedule. Don't worry about uploading, you really need to take some time out and relax. You should do just thatxD
          Haha, Go you! Best of Luck for your finals=D


          Yeah, it has. I'm good, what about you?
          That's okay, as long as you do upload every once in a while, I'm okay with it=D
          Lol, I already had my graduation and it went really well, thanks for asking=)
          Anyway, what have you been up to lately?