
Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!!! It has finally been done. After two years, The Dark Moon is now finished. So tommorrow I'm going to take down chapters 4-40 down and add the link to the new website. Tonight is gonna be your last night to finish reading whatever you can on it. Thank you guys for the support and sticking with me for the ride of this book!!


Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!!! It has finally been done. After two years, The Dark Moon is now finished. So tommorrow I'm going to take down chapters 4-40 down and add the link to the new website. Tonight is gonna be your last night to finish reading whatever you can on it. Thank you guys for the support and sticking with me for the ride of this book!!


Hey peeps. So to the people reading The Dark Moon, I'm sorry to say but I'm going to be taking it down except for a few chapters. The reason is because its going on a new platform that I'm now in contract with so its gonna go on there instead. I'm going to put the link in the book so that anyone that wants ta can come read it. I'm either taking the chapters down tonight or tomorrow it depends on how much i get done tonight. Thank you for the support over the years with this book. Hope y'all enjoyed it. Thanks for readin.


 Hey guys, girls, and non binary pals!! Been a while since I have made an announcement. But I need to say a couple things.
           One: I'm sorry for not posting much lately, but I have been working a lot plus stress means I haven't been able to work on much lately, I have a chapter almost finshed for The Dark Moon I just need to try and finish it before I can get it published.
          Two: I'm going to be taking all my fanfictions off here and putting them on @EpicFanfictionWriter 's account instead. This account will be only for orginal books. 
          Three: Soon I'm going to be going on hiatas. I don't know when nor for how long but I'll let y'all know as soon as I get my information.
           Thanks for reading guys and sorry.


 Hey guys, so I had decided that once I have finished The Tiger Wolf, I'm going to publish it on Amazon but don't worry it's still going to be on here for you to read. There will also be a second book to it and a presequel to it to about one of the characters. I'll probably write that one before the second book of the Tiger Wolf so just keep your eyes out. Thanks for reading guys and thank you to everyone who has been supporting my book.