
Hey Man, I really like your America story. It is a bit confusing, but still it's good. One thing I was a little confused about, was, who are the BA's, I know they are the Blue Americans, but are they the one's who don't support Nazism? I like your story though. It'd be great if you could read mine, and give me feedback on it. Mine is called "The War That Cripples" and it is about "As escalating tensions rise in political debates, nation's get violent. Allies turn on each other, enemies turn to enemies, and the existence of sophisticated society is threatened by barbarism."


@TheHMSNaiad great, that's my favorite stories :)


@Rkatsu77 Yea, with the exception of one, they are basically all about war.  HMSNaiad


@TheHMSNaiad I'll check out your other stories, it appears you like the same kind of stories I do! ~Rkatsu77