
Hi there! I'm daisy sage, a fellow book lover and writer. I stumbled upon your profile and was impressed by your writing style and creativity. I'm looking to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for storytelling. Would love to chat about your favorite genres and writing inspiration. I'll be looking forward to your reply ☺️


@DaisySage0 Thank you very much. The Hallow series was my first jaunt into Fantasy. I've always been inspired and love Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy. My style focuses on the character, the journey, the heroes' journey taking time with each individual character so they may flourish and world building. I try not to get bogged down too much on details. I use only enough so that the reader can visualize the situation, world and characters. In the Hallow series I go between the poetic to the adventure and occasionally visit horror. I romanticize some situations and try to put feeling into each character so that the reader can relate.


Hey author nim if I support you will you support me and my story?


@army_ammu2009 hey First of all thanks for following but my previous account army_ammu2009 has been deleted and I don't know how to recover it so I created another one. It's army_2009ammu. Follow this one.


Sure. I'll take a look tomorrow when I get the chance. I just added a chapter tonight to my third book in the Hallow series.