
Hello readers, I have an announcement by looking at the wellness of the first chapter of the Enchained remake. I have decided to scrap the idea of it being a part of my loved enchained secrets of life story, into it's own. So I will be continuing to add to enchained's chapters so hope you can enjoy that.


Hello readers, I have an announcement by looking at the wellness of the first chapter of the Enchained remake. I have decided to scrap the idea of it being a part of my loved enchained secrets of life story, into it's own. So I will be continuing to add to enchained's chapters so hope you can enjoy that.


Alright friends the prologue for Enchained Assembly | New Deal is currently being finished and will finally be published tommorow almost reached the quota. Just hold on and you get to enjoy this new and improved story of mine, see you guys soon. 
          Happy reading - Daydreaming


Enchained is almost my viewers, sorry for the wait! It will be published in a couple hours, or early in the morning tommorow if there is a delay. Please enjoy it when it finally becomes available to all of you.
          Tatsuya, TheHelpfulRabbit


Sorry for the wait!! I have been writing this remake for awhile and you wouldn't be able to recognize it, I am glad you guys took time out of your day to read my story when it first came out, really 'precciate it.
          The introduction for the remake will be typed out and published this Sunday, thank you all for  the views on this story. Please stay safe out there - Tatsuya, HelpfulRabbit


Hello, sorry I never put out that chapter. Although i am releasing a remake of your favorite series, changing and expanding the story. And i am putting out a link to a discord server where ya'll can hang out while that happens, please dont fret i will not let you down this time goodbye.
          -Sincerely, TheHelpfulRabbit


@TheHelpfulRabbit Just realized you cant send links in Wattpad but, ill make this a public server, out on ill see you later.