
And finally, to close this night out, it is the 112th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking and the 159th anniversary of President Lincoln's assassination. May all involved in both of these tragedies, except for J.W. Booth and his fellow conspirators, besides those indirectly involved, rest in eternal peace.
          	-Lord Wittham, The History Explorer.


Hi, I want to say thanks for the follow and the votes on my story! I also think it’s cool you’re into history! I served as a tour guide at some historic sites in Illinois for two summers, so I really have an appreciation for history as well!


@organicorganism Sorry for the late reply, but thank you very much, my good Sir!
            It is a good thing that I have met ANOTHER lad who has respect for Historia.


@The_Sacred_Text And yes, I intend to make a story inspired by Dr. Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park and The Lost World, which itself was based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's book of the same name.
          Of course, as if it were Sherlock Holmes all over again, Crichton brought back Dr. Ian Malcolm, who had supposedly passed in the first novel.
          As for now, I will update you on much more tomorrow. 


@The_Sacred_Text Hello, old friend. Long time, no see, indeed.
          I had decided to take somewhat of a break from The Lost Signals. 
          I was hoping to use all the testimonies, both passengers and crew, along with the other crews of the ships that had saved the surviving passengers and crew for Chapter XVIII, but I am going to use ONLY the crews of the ships, (Carpathia, Mount Temple, Californian and Titanic, etc.), along with a few passenger testimonies, but that's about it. 
          As for the British Inquiry, only the crews and a few passenger testimonies.
          It's no rush, of course, I just believed that since I had finished that story's Prologue and seventeen chapters in two months last year, I needed a break.
          And, better enough, I am beginning a full-length novel: Shadow of the Seas. It is about the Rhodesian Bush War. The eventual sequel, Patriots of the Past, will be about South Africa and how they had fled Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, and their return for more hell. 
          But, as for now, I have more ideas in store.
          And, to end the talk, I wish you a good night. I hope to talk with you again soon, old friend.
          Goodnight, and I will support you on any story you write.
          -Lord Wittham, TheHistoryExplorer.


And finally, to close this night out, it is the 112th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking and the 159th anniversary of President Lincoln's assassination. May all involved in both of these tragedies, except for J.W. Booth and his fellow conspirators, besides those indirectly involved, rest in eternal peace.
          -Lord Wittham, The History Explorer.


Hello, people. I am back.
          I needed a break after six months of hellish work in other projects, including my family life. But I am back. With a WHOLE HOST of new stories to follow!
          I should be able to do better now and I can go beyond history and into alternate history. And as for now, I shouldn't quit on my dreams, nor should y'all.
          I just needed a long-deserved break.
          And thanks to me reading Storm of Steel and All Quiet On The Western Front, along with a couple of other books... I think I'm good to go, with a whole new heap of energy.
          -Sincerely, Lord Wittham.


Hello there, people of this grand earth. I will be taking a break from the Lost Signals story for a little while to focus on my Shadow Baron and the upcoming Frozen Hell stories and the ones at I've been through times of small stress and such, but I just need a little time to regain my thoughts. 
          So, I hope you understand this. And please don't take it too personally. 
          -The History Explorer, Lord Wittham.


Thank you. I assume that you're really into history?


Long time, thank you very much for the vote.


@TheHistoryExplorer Sure, once I finish FOTA. PS glad to hear.


@The_Sacred_Text And she's alright now, by the way.