So I started voltron a few weeks ago, told myself I wouldn’t get sucked into the fandom.
I binged all eight seasons in 4 days, and I already have a board on Pinterest, help me
So I started voltron a few weeks ago, told myself I wouldn’t get sucked into the fandom.
I binged all eight seasons in 4 days, and I already have a board on Pinterest, help me
Spread the word, the vague wording in article 13 threatens to destabilize our internet, changing it to favor big companies and harm independent creators and consumers, spread the word. Once it is set in europe it will spread to the rest of the world
Hello! I’m sorry for bothering you but I’m writing a new fan fiction about Draco Malfoy and I’d be happy if you could check it out but only if you’d like! Thank you ☺️