
Hey Guys, long time no see right? So as I've said a lot, I'm not dead! I do plan on writing more. Truth is I plan on cancelling my current SAO book. I just lost the motivation for it and cancelling the For Honor story. The reason for this kinda personal. In short terms, we had a death in the family recently. I plan on making more stories. Some of you may like them, some may not. For those who would enjoy them, hope you like them. Can't say when the release date for those will be but expect them. That's all I really had to say. Hope you all have a great day.


Hey Guys, long time no see right? So as I've said a lot, I'm not dead! I do plan on writing more. Truth is I plan on cancelling my current SAO book. I just lost the motivation for it and cancelling the For Honor story. The reason for this kinda personal. In short terms, we had a death in the family recently. I plan on making more stories. Some of you may like them, some may not. For those who would enjoy them, hope you like them. Can't say when the release date for those will be but expect them. That's all I really had to say. Hope you all have a great day.


What happened to the Elsa x dark Male Reader story?


@TheIceWolf95 I see. Alright then


@D3m0nm4n I stopped writing it, guess I burned out but I did hand it over to my friend Thorn_of_Chaos so you can go check it out.


Guys,  Guys, I have a crazy idea so just bare with me on this, the Sinon x Reader book is on haitus until further notice. Hopefully not to long. Sorry


@JohnnyChhun no actually, it's a small one shot


@TheIceWolf95 so your idea is something to do with sinon x reader


Hey guys IceWolf here, just wanted to get this out there... I'm not dead! That's right, sorry for the delay on all my books. School has me pinned down along with my passionate grinding in Warframe... sorry... but I promise I'm hard at work to try to bring you guys updates. I'm gonna continue the Sinon and angel books... sadly, the Frozen one is coming to an end. I know... sucks but it is... Oooh! Can't wait to see what will happen, but hopefully something good so stay tuned for that. I also want to take this time to thank you all for the amazing support, I read every comment you guys send my way and I'm touched you guys take the time. Love you all. Also, I know there will be that one person who asks, I play warframe on Xbox one. Enough of that, Thank you all for reading, love you all and have a fantastic day!