Hey Warriors!
I'm going to leave this profile for a while and go to my other. (which is @AlteredNations)
I will role play and write just like normal on that profile, so don't worry.
Thank you,
Man I know it’s been a couple months since we you were last on an like years since we last talked. Just wanted to say hi or something, you probably don’t remember me so yay ima just go now
W a i t, y o u ' r e t r a n s t o o?
So am I!
Not to be rude but uhm, are you like female to male ( which is what I am ) or male to female? I'm not being rude I just want to make sure before I accidentally call you the gender you don't identify as.
........dude I got one update from you,went to wattpad a hour later to check my notifications, 99+, I won't look though all but I'm pretty sure it was all your book.......................why?
@trashbinshadowspirit well it's not technically spam in my book, i only got one notification for a bunch of updates which to me isnt spam. If i like get rid of it and i get the same notification every minute,then i consider that spam. ( aka its fine )